Preserving Hawaii's Coastal Environment with Maui Coastal Land Trust

The Maui Coastal Land Trust is a non-profit organization that is devoted to the preservation and protection of the coastal environment in Hawaii. Working in partnership with the State of Hawaii Land Division, the trust strives to ensure that the coastal areas are managed sustainably and that the rich cultural heritage of the area is preserved. The Coastal Land Program, supported by the trust, provides a range of research projects and initiatives to protect and restore the coastal environment. These include the Coastal Certification Program, which provides guidelines for sustainable alternatives for coastal erosion management, and the Coastal Erosion Management Plan (COEMAP), which outlines “flexible” approaches to coastal protection.

The trust also works to protect and restore beach and dune ecosystems through its Small Scale Beach Nourishment (SSBN) application program. This program supports beach and dune restoration projects, such as the Waiheʻe coastal dune and wetland refuge created by Maui Huliau students. The trust is committed to preserving the unique cultural heritage of Hawaii's coastal areas, while also ensuring that they are managed sustainably for future generations. Through its research projects and initiatives, it is helping to protect and restore these precious areas for years to come.

The Maui Coastal Land Trust is dedicated to preserving Hawaii's coastal environment for future generations. Through its research projects and initiatives, it is helping to protect and restore these precious areas while also preserving their unique cultural heritage. The trust's Coastal Certification Program provides guidelines for sustainable alternatives for coastal erosion management, while its Coastal Erosion Management Plan (COEMAP) outlines “flexible” approaches to coastal protection. Additionally, its Small Scale Beach Nourishment (SSBN) application program supports beach and dune restoration projects, such as the Waiheʻe coastal dune and wetland refuge created by Maui Huliau students.

The Maui Coastal Land Trust is committed to protecting Hawaii's coastal environment for future generations. By providing research projects and initiatives that promote sustainable management of these areas, as well as preserving their unique cultural heritage, the trust is helping to ensure that these precious areas are preserved for years to come.

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